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Naturopathy | Hypnotherapy | EMDR |
Mindfulness | Stress Management |
| Corporate Wellness |

My Blog

What Is Hypnotherapy and How Can it Help With Weight Loss?
Hypnosis is renowned by healthcare professionals and natural health practitioners as an effective method of therapy. It involves creating...

Could your childhood & upbringing be affecting how successful you are in your adult life?
Could your childhood and upbringing be affecting how successful you are in your adult life? Well the answer is yes according to this...

The Benefits of a Corporate Wellness Programme
How much is workplace sickness and absenteeism costing your business? There is no disputing the fact that sickness absence and...

For the Love of Food
What is your relationship with food? Do you love it, hate it or both? Do you feel like your food controls you rather than you controlling...

The Top 3 Benefits of Naturopathy
Naturopathy is used universally as a trusted approach to dealing with a range of bodily conditions. It’s distinctive because it treats...

Exercise, Nutrition and Optimum Fitness
People who are super fit often ask me for advice about things that they should eat and do for optimum fitness. You know the type, those...

What is Naturopathy and How Can it Help You Improve Your Health?
What is Naturopathy? Naturopathy is a method of alternative medicine which is based on the understanding that diseases can be...

Welcome to My Blog!
I am passionate about leading a healthy lifestyle and I know how important this is if I want to stay fit and healthy and get the most out...
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